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Shedding Woes? Top Clean-Up Tricks for Dog Owners

We have a confession to make - we are perpetually covered in dog hair. We have a golden retriever! Nuff said. No matter how much we vacuum, sweep, or brush, Cooper's hair always seems to find a way to leave its mark on our clothes, furniture, and just about everything else.

But wait .... we have picked up a few tips and tricks along the way to help us cope with the shedding madness. And we're not afraid to share them with you (in the hopes that you'll share some of your own secrets with us too!).

Many dogs enjoy the attention and affection they receive during a brushing session, and it can help strengthen your bond with your furry friend.

Lint rollers. We're not saying it's a magical solution to all your shedding problems, but it's pretty close! Keep one in your car, your purse, your desk - basically anywhere you might need a quick hair removal fix. Pro tip: if you run out of lint roller sheets, just use a strip of duct tape. It works surprisingly well.

Use a rubber glove: If you're in a pinch and don't have a lint roller or vacuum handy, try using a rubber glove. Simply put on a rubber glove, dampen it slightly, and rub your hand over surfaces to pick up any hair. The rubber texture of the glove will help the hair stick to it, making cleanup quick and easy.

Washable furniture covers: If you have a dog that loves to cuddle up on the furniture, consider investing in washable furniture covers. These covers can be easily removed and thrown in the wash to remove any hair or dirt. Plus, they come in a variety of styles and colors, so you can keep your furniture looking great while also protecting it from your furry friend's shedding.

Vacuuming. We know, it's not the most exciting activity in the world. But trust us, it's worth it to keep those floors and carpets hair-free. And if you really want to step up your cleaning game, invest in a robot vacuum. It's like having a little cleaning minion that follows your dog around, sucking up hair as it goes. Plus, it's kind of fun to watch.

When all else fails, embrace the hair. It's a fact of life when you own a dog, so why not make it a fashion statement? Rock that fur-covered sweater like it's haute couture. Turn your dog's shedded hair into a DIY crafting project. Just think of all the possibilities!

So there you have it, our tried and true tips for dealing with shedding dogs. Just remember, a little humor and creativity can go a long way when it comes to cleaning up after our furry friends. And we'll keep on loving our pups, hair and all.

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