We think dog ownership may a great idea after you have considered:
1. Time Commitments.
Our fluffy friends, while an amazingly competent and intelligent species, still need YOU. Think carefully about your work schedule, including commuting time, shopping time, and other related commitments. Consider the activity and social needs of the breed you are considering. Speak to knowledgeable individuals about dog ownership and what is involved. Dog's are social creatures and they need quality time with you. Plus, dogs tend to have their own internal clocks which may not always match yours! Are you ready to get up in the early morning when your dog needs to go outside? Are you ready for the puppy cries waking you up at 2 am? Do you have time for your dog's walks or other exercise? Will your schedule permit the type of time and attention your canine friend will need?
2. Money Matters!
From dog food, to vet visits, to dog toys, to kennels, to medicine, to toys, to vaccines, to beloved "poop bags" (to carry on walks), the expenses related to dog ownership go on and on and on! Of course, you will feel it's worth it, but be realistic about the additional drain having a dog will have on your finances. Make sure your budget can bear the additional expense.
3. Environment.
How is your living space physically set up for dog ownership? If you live in the city in a small apartment , you might find that a large active dog, with high energy and exercise needs to be quite challenging (for you and the dog!). Think through your dwelling. Where will your dog's food and water dishes go? Where do you expect them to sleep? What about your dog's toy box? Do you have a place where your dog can comfortably stay when you have visitors who perhaps don't feel the way you feel about your dog? Take time to process these questions in your deliberations.
4. Humble Research and Learning.
Are you a humble learner? Dog ownership will teach you many things... including humility! You might be a high powered professional, but you're still going to be the one who cleans up dog poop and other messes your dog leaves for you. Be sure to research a good veterinarian. See our article here on that subject. A good vet is a wealth of knowledge and helpful advice. Further, pet owners are a wonderful community of shared experience and knowledge. Be sure to ask questions, ask questions, ask questions! An ongoing posture of a humble learner will greatly enhance your life with your canine companion.
5. Other considerations.
In addition to the time, money, and environment factors, your personal life may invite consideration of a wide range of factors: Do you have other family members? Do you have an active travel schedule? How do your roommates feel about your decision? Each of us is different, and your decision to get a dog will be nuanced by factors that are particular to you.
The decision to own a dog is a big one! Be sure to give this decision the same kind of care and attention you would give any other decision which has the potential to significantly impact your lifestyle, available time, finances, relationships, and other commitments. Dog ownership can be an incredible joy. It is also a time consuming, resource consuming endeavor. Be sure you count the costs and fully understand the responsibilities that come with dog ownership.